captiveX (キャプティブエックス)

A new dimension of Mixed Reality FPS.            
The player shoots and breaks the empty cage, freeing the mysterious X.
The unleashed X attack, forcing the player to fight back. But at a certain moment, X’s life gauge reverses.
Instead of violence, the player must restore their life gauge through music and make them dance.
Shooting releases, selects, and combines music items to perform music.
An interactive audiovisual experience that blurs the line between reality and virtuality, redefining FPS.

新次元のMixed Reality FPS。


Game Controls

Start Game / Shoot: Trigger Button
OK: A Button
Sound Effect: Left Grip Button
Speed Change: Right Grip Button (Non-Game Mode Only)


Area Mode (Start Screen Only): Room / Cage (2.7m × 2.7m × 2.7m)
Game Mode: Game / Non-Game
Color Mode: Color / B&W 1 / B&W 2

Table of Contents

  1. Concept of the Work
  2. Innovation and Redefinition of The Fusion of Game and Music Expression
    – Fusion of Game Elements and Non-Game Elements
    Creativity Beyond Traditional Rhythm Games
    – Nonlinear Structure Enabling Improvisational Game and Music Performance 

  3. Innovation and Redefinition of Audiovisual Expression
    – Restoration of Physical Engagement Through VR Head-Mounted Display
    – A New Audiovisual Experience Through Active Interaction and Musical Performance

  4. Conclusion



  1. 作品コンセプト
  2. ゲームと音楽表現の革新と体験の再定義
    ・ 従来の音楽ゲームの枠を超えた音楽の創造性
  3. オーディオビジュアル表現の革新と体験の再定義
  4. 結論

1. Concept of the Work

In recent years, there has been a global surge in self-righteous and overzealous justice, blindly enforced by those who place absolute faith in the justice dictated by their respective social systems and communities. However, such unilateral pursuits of justice lead only to futile conflict.
In response, I created a Mixed Reality Audiovisual First-Person Shooter (FPS) to liberate players from perspectives confined by rules, customs, common sense, and justice—allowing them to adopt a more multifaceted viewpoint.
By incorporating a resettable game system with continue and restart functions, players experience an FPS game where life and death are repeatedly cycled. This, combined with an immersive experience that blurs the boundary between reality and virtuality through MR technology, deeply unsettles the player’s conventional perception of reality.
Furthermore, this work seeks to achieve its goal by seamlessly transforming the act of FPS violence into an audiovisual experience that incorporates bodily engagement through musical performance.

1. 作品コンセプト

近年、それぞれが属する社会システムや、共同体における正義を信仰する人々による正義の暴走が、世界的に増えてきていると感じている。 そうした一方的な正義の暴走は、不毛な争いしか生まない。そこで作品の体験者が、規則や慣習、常識、正義などに囚われた視点を解き放ち、多角的な視点を獲得することを目的としたミックスドリアリティ・オーディオビジュアル・ファーストパーソン・シューティングゲーム作品を制作した。
コンティニューやリスタート機能を搭載したリセット可能なゲームシステム内で、生死を繰り返すFPSゲーム体験。MR技術による現実とバーチャルの境界を舞台にした没入体験。それらを組み合わせることによって、作品体験者のこれまでの現実感を揺るがす。 そして、能動的な暴力行為によるFPSゲーム体験を、音楽演奏行為による身体性を伴うオーディオビジュアル体験へと自然に転換させることによって、目的を達成することを試みる。

2. Innovation and Redefinition of The Fusion of Game and Music Expression

– Fusion of Game Elements and Non-Game Elements 
This work integrates game mechanics involving risk, reward, and strategic decision-making with the non-game element of musical performance, which exists outside conventional game systems. Players must engage in tactical decision-making while simultaneously constructing and performing music, leading to an entirely new gaming experience. 
The most noteworthy aspect of this game’s fusion of game and music expression lies in its improvisational music generation process in the final stage. In this stage, music is composed in real-time as the player interacts with a game system governed by probabilistic randomness. Rather than relying solely on chance, the player’s in-game decisions and their interactions with game mechanics directly influence the timing and structure of the music, creating an experience that extends beyond conventional improvisational performance. This enables players to generate music through gameplay, introducing a new form of real-time musical improvisation. 

– Creativity Beyond Traditional Rhythm Games 
Existing rhythm games typically require players to synchronize their actions with pre-arranged musical compositions, effectively making them subordinate to the given music. However, in this work, players themselves can construct, perform, and create music, breaking free from conventional constraints. 

– Nonlinear Structure Enabling Improvisational Game and Music Performance 
Traditional game design often enforces a fixed, linear progression, where players advance along predefined routes. In contrast, this work adopts a system that allows players to freely revisit previously cleared stages (enemies encountered) at any desired moment. 
This nonlinear structure enables improvisational gameplay and musical composition, akin to how a DJ selects and manipulates tracks in real time. As a result, the gameplay itself evolves into a form of performance.  

2. ゲームと音楽表現の革新と体験の再定義




3. Innovation and Redefinition of Audiovisual Expression

Audiovisual expression has historically evolved with the goal of fusing sound and visuals. Among them, many audiovisual performances have been conducted in nightclub environments, integrating with dance music.
Music, particularly dance music, inherently involves a strong sense of physicality.  However, conventional audiovisual performances rely heavily on flat screens and displays, which impose restrictions on the viewer’s gaze, ultimately diminishing their bodily engagement.
While live performances and dance performances have long existed as forms of visually integrated musical expression, audiovisual performances, in particular, fix the audience’s gaze on a flat screen or display rather than a three-dimensional space such as a stage, leading to a severe limitation of bodily engagement.
As a result, rather than achieving the intended fusion of music and visuals, the visual element paradoxically undermines the intrinsic power of music.

– Restoration of Physical Engagement Through VR Head-Mounted Display
One solution to this issue is the use of VR head-mounted displays. By eliminating restrictions on head movement, players’ bodies are freed from physical constraints, enabling a bodily immersive audiovisual expression.

– A New Audiovisual Experience Through Active Interaction and Musical Performance
Furthermore, through the active engagement of players (game participants) in actions and musical performance, players can reclaim their sense of bodily engagement within the audiovisual experience.

3. オーディオビジュアル表現の革新と体験の再定義





4. Conclusion

captiveX is a Mixed Reality First-Person Shooter that fuses gaming, music, and audiovisual expression.

This work transcends the boundaries of the FPS genre, blurring the lines between game and music, violence and creation, reality and virtuality, life and death, and creating a new experience where these elements intersect and merge. Designed to allow players to move fluidly between fighting, making choices, and performing music, this game challenges preconceived notions, prompting players to recognize the fluidity of their own perspectives and acquire a more multifaceted awareness.

The defining feature of this work lies in its seamless transformation of the FPS game experience as an act of violence into an act of musical performance. The gameplay process itself is elevated into a bodily interactive audiovisual performance.

With the advancement of digital technology, we are becoming increasingly dependent on visual information while simultaneously losing our sense of physical engagement. By utilizing the interactive nature of gaming and Mixed Reality technology, this work presents a new form of expression in which the player actively generates music. By going beyond the mere fusion of sight and sound, it aims to redefine audiovisual performance, making the player’s body itself an integral part of the expression and pioneering the future of audiovisual performance.

4. 結論



